Know all students using hall passes at any time. Identify students without active passes and whose passes are aging.
Set hall pass usage limits for individual students, groups of students, by grade, or schoolwide.
Prevent meetups and unallowed contact by restricting specific students from using hall passes at the same time.
Gain a reliable record of hall pass usage so you can analyze trends, identify "frequent fliers,"" and investigate incidents.
Let teachers decide if they want to approve all pass requests, or if students can self-start hall passes.
Prevent students from going to rooms that are full, or when teachers or resources are unavailable.
Offer a device for students to request passes and check in; ideal for non-device locations like the cafeteria, gym, and shop.
Let teachers issue hall passes without a request if students don't have a device or on technology-free days.
Schedule an appointment with individual students or groups of students, and send automatic reminders to everyone invited.